Uncivil Rights
A BLOG rife with wit, sarcasm, and the endless joy which comes from taunting the socialistic and unpatriotic liberal left. Logical thoughts and musings ONLY need reply...unless you're really, really funny. You have the Uncivil Right to be an IDIOT.
"Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH!"
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Racism at its whitest
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person
From the essay:
There are many different types of privilege, not just skin color privilege, that impact the way people can move through the world or are discriminated against. These are all things you are born into, not things you earned, that afford you opportunities others may not have. For example:
Citizenship – Simply being born in this country affords you certain privileges non-citizens will never access.
Class – Being born into a financially stable family can help guarantee your health, happiness, safety, education, intelligence, and future opportunities.
Sexual Orientation – By being born straight, every state in this country affords you privileges that non-straight folks have to fight the Supreme Court for.
Sex – By being born male, you can assume that you can walk through a parking garage without worrying you’ll be raped and that a defense attorney will then blame it on what you were wearing.
Ability – By being born able bodied, you probably don’t have to plan your life around handicap access, braille, or other special needs.
Gender – By being born cisgendered, you aren’t worried that the restroom or locker room you use will invoke public outrage.
CITIZENSHIP: yes, being a citizen affords you certain rights that are not afforded to non-citizens. duh. we live in a country. we have borders, laws, values and norms that make our country unique. this argument of hers comes from the "global citizen" PERSPECTIVE. i'm sure russia, iran and china would more that accept the "global citizen" theory. it is people who don't realize and appreciate america for its rights, freedoms and liberties that really piss me off.
class. labeling people is also an act of the left. it helps them divide people. in america, though people are born into different socioeconomic strata, the ability to move up and down this ladder makes america what it is today. we are afforded equal opportunities, not equal outcomes. the idea of equal outcomes is the communist ideal.
sexual orientation. everyone has the same rights in this country. heterosexuals cannot marry people of the same sex just like homosexuals. what homosexuals want are new rights. whether you agree with same sex marriage or not, the fact is they are asking for more rights. also, sexual orientation should never be mentioned at the workplace. ever.
sex. men and women are different. that is a fact. we will never be the same. are you afraid of waling through a garage a night? consider backing the conceal and carry laws. do you think you should be able to walk anywhere with no threats whatsoever? welcome to the real world. we have bad people in it. prepare to take care of yourself. the utopia you seek is not of this world and is again a communist false promise. they say a democrat is a republican who hasn't been mugged yet. time to grow up.
ability. we all are different, but contrary to the thesis, accidents and terrorists happen and people find themselves in different situations. yet, americans always find ways to adapt and not only survive but to live, and happily at that. overcoming obstacles is the american way.
gender. men and women are different. it's strange how the problems with bathrooms have come up only recently. so either transgenders never went to the bathroom in public or they used an appropriate bathroom. is there really a problem so big we need to change society?
it saddens me to see someone that hates america. the land of the free and home of the brave. a place where you can safely have this discussion where the only thing to fear is a blogger pointing out the problems of the post?
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
More hate from the "tolerant" left
PoliticusUSA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PoliticusUSA/posts/10202858025442519
A picture of Sarah Palin and Phil Robertson. You can imagine the hate, but in case you can't, here are just a few of the comments: