Uncivil Rights

A BLOG rife with wit, sarcasm, and the endless joy which comes from taunting the socialistic and unpatriotic liberal left. Logical thoughts and musings ONLY need reply...unless you're really, really funny. You have the Uncivil Right to be an IDIOT. "Give me LIBERTY, or give me DEATH!"

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


The Senate Democrats voted to SURRENDER today. VICTORY IS NOT AN OPTION! Terrorists are JUMPING FOR JOY!

In related story, a potential GOP contender for the presidential nomination, Republican Senator Chuck Hagel announced, "I will not support sustaining a flawed and failing policy in Iraq."
He then went on to say, "By screwing the conservative base with this vote, I have almost assuredly achieved as much hope for the GOP nomination for the presidency as Al "Is It Getting Warm In Here" Gore. I soon plan to announce my pro-abortion stance, along with my agenda of higher taxes and the elimination of gun and private property ownership! To my consevative base, I say, Thanks mom, please vote for me, and I thank you for your support." Arlen Spector has already endorsed Senator Hagel whole-heartedly, unfortunately, Mr. Hagel's mom has not and was heard to say, "F^&# OFF DEFEATIST! I Didn't raise a QUITTER!"...stay tuned.
totalkaosdave, 5:23 PM